Best of 2023 (Side B)

In this second part (section) of the two (2) part (section) top (best) ten (10) scenes of the year (2023), we look (listen) at (to) the top (best) five (5) of the top (best) ten (10)!

Take a listen and reminisce upon the year that was... 2023. Also, I was thinking about clouds… 

Best of 2023 (Side A)

Another year, another top ten list. THIS top ten list, however, we have split into two lists: a bottom (worst) five (5) of the top (best) ten (10) and a top (best) five (5) of the top (best) ten (10 (notably including the top (best) three (3) of the top (best) five (5) of the top (best) ten (10)!)!)!

Take a listen and reminisce upon the year that was... 2023. Also, it’s pancakes!