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Welcome to Wasting ALL the Time!

Rank 2019's Best!


2019 has been a year of transformation for us here at WAtT! We wrapped up Season One of the podcast with over three hundred episodes of improv comedy gold. Jon had to bow out just as we kicked off Season Two and a new co-host joined our ranks, Jes!

All year long, you have been submitting calls for what you thought were the stand-out scenes of the show and now we’ve brought them all together into this one blog post so you can help us rank them.

We need you to give us your favorite four scenes in order of preference. We like to use metal for the ranking, so in the comments of this post, list your Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze picks for 2019. Thanks!

From Ep. 306: (Fings Wut Got Sent Us) Song Request

Somebody wrote in to the show asking Jon to sing “When You Wish Upon a Star” and then as soon as the episode came out, it got nominated as one of the best scenes of the year. We think this may be a bit one-sided, but you be the judge!

From Ep. 306: (What Day Is This?) Fettuccine Alfredo

We learned about the origins of the very popular dish, fettuccine Alfredo. Then, we lost our minds and did this scene below. Best scene of the year? Let us know in the comments.

From Ep. 308: (Twittershins Rapidballs) A Correction

Cody kept mispronouncing “twittershins” and Dave called him out on it. How hilarious do you think this is? Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, or…. not at all?

From Ep. 309: (Fruitwards) Morbid Vendors

This nightmare-inducing concept for a scene has parallels with some of humanity’s darkest history. How funny do you find it? Best of 2019?

From Ep. 311: (Improv Game of the Week) Letters Home - Mars Invasion

In this scene, the guys improvise letters home to their loved ones that describe over time a series of events regarding life as a waste management worker on the planet Mars. There are some pretty funny turns taken!

From Ep. 313: (Improv Game of the Week) 911: What’s Your Emergency?

Sarah Lee (nee Henshaw) joined us for this fun run of 911: What’s Your Emergency where we managed to have a blast AND pull several threads together into a string. #ImprovWin Is this a Platinum level scene?!

From Ep. 319: (Fruitwards) Intense Vengeance

Dave and Jon enter a battle of the wits in order to clarify who is the better assassin/mischief-maker. Jon swears his revenge on Dave but might get talked out of it. Whether this is the best scene or not, we’re telling you it’s a stone cold classic.

From Ep. 320: (Fings Wut Got Sent Us) Parody Songs

Listener Jenny Storm requested a scene that involved parody songs and we believe we delivered. Rank this if you think it was one of the best!

From Ep. 6 (Improv Game of the Week) Internal Monologue

In this game, Cody and Dave performed a scene where at any time Jes could command us to reveal our character’s inner monologue. Turns out Dave had dinner plans on his mind!

From Ep. 11 (What Day Is This?) National Video Game Day

In this scene inspired by an article in the National Day Calendar, Dave gives a literal elevator pitch for a new video game technology. Does this rank at least a Bronze to you?

From Ep. 12 (Fruitwards) Obnoxious Baseball

In this scene Dave, Cody, and Jes trade quips as they obnoxiously yell across the baseball diamond at each other, revealing some personal history in the process.

From Ep. 19: (Fruitwards) Toxic Vendors

Jes is concerned about Dave’s workplace environment and safety so she goes along to help out. There, she helps him to sell liquid mercury and other toxic substances. It’s a fun scene!

From Ep. 21: (Fruitwards) Lusty Barbecue

How to describe this scene? Dave gives the performance of a lifetime as a guest at a backyard BBQ where his… attraction… to barbecues becomes a bit much to handle. This scene is bound to be in the top ten, but where? Will it make top five? WE REPORT, YOU DECIDE.

From Ep. 23: (Easter Egg) Freestyle Rapping

You love when we rap (see Best-Of 2018, #1 scene) so when it happened out of nowhere while Dave was trying to decide what improv game of the week to do, it had to stay in the show somewhere. For the purposes of episode flow, the IGOTW segment was cut to be seamless and this nugget of improv gold was snuck into the silence after the end credits. Where do you rank it?

Thanks everybody! We really appreciate your help in determining what the top ten scenes of the year were. Here’s to a new year of improv comedy podcasting!

Ep. 25 - Tough Love & Tough Teachings

Ep. 24 - Walk Off Death