This week Jon is classified as a banger, Dave wants to send a greeting, and Cody says "nuclear" correctly. Also, don't be a Yahoo!
Show Notes:
00:10 - Cold Open
05:17 - Twitershins Rapidballs
12:02 - What Day is This?: National Electronic Greetings Day
20:49 - Fings Wut Got Sent Us:
Questionnaise: Veggies on a sandwich? (from Bryce); Rum pairing with sandwich? from (Bryce); What goes up and down but stays in the same place? (from Lisa)
Listener Suggested Scene: Two guards conundrum (from Robert); Pro wrestler hair salon (from Gary)
35:47 - CONTACT US!
37:50 - What's Weird in the World?: Accidental Invite
47:55 - The Jonologue: Chipotle
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